
Python Package to easy the integration with nextsms SMS Gateway

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Python Package to easy the integration with nextsms SMS Services

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Getting started

In order to use this package you need to have the NextSMS Account, If you don’t have one please take a look at NextSMS, and get your username and password we gonna use them down below;

Install the libary from pip or directly

pip install nextsms

Installing directly from github

Clone this repository or Download a zip of the package and then do this;

git clone
cd nextsms 
nextsms -> python install 

Sending SMS with nextsms

Here is an example on how to send an SMS with this package;

>> import nextsms
>> sender = nextsms('your username', 'your password')
>> sender.sendsms(message='hello', recipients=['25575XXXXX','25565XXXX'], sender_id="NEXTSMS")

Bulky ?

NextSms allows you to predefine all message you would like to send with variety of sender IDs and does the rest on how to successful send to all.

Here an Example how you would do that with this package

>> import nextsms
>> sender = nextsms('KalebuJordan', 'kalebu@opensource') 
>> messages = [
    {'from':'NEXTSMS', 'to':'255757294146', 'text':'hello'},
    {'from':'NEXTSMS', 'to':'255754205561', 'text':'hello'}]           
>> sender.send_bulk(messages)


By default as you can create a nextsms instance it configure the environment to use production urls, If you wanna do on test sandbox here how;

>> import nextsms
>> sender = nextsms('KalebuJordan', 'kalebu@opensource')
>> sender.sandbox = True 

Wanna Contribute ?



Encountered issues while using the package, raise an issue and then we gonna work to fix it as soon as it takes or you can email directly at isaackeinstein (at)

More features coming soon

All the Credits to kalebu

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